How To Pick Child-Safe Window Treatments In Charlotte
While helpful for controlling exterior light, window coverings may bring some unexpected threats to children in your Charlotte home. To illustrate, window treatment cords may pose a risk for entanglement or strangulation. Likewise, kids may get hurt by yanking down window treatments, and they might also be constructed with toxic materials.
You’re able to keep your family protected by installing safety window treatments in Charlotte including louvered shutters and cord-free window blinds and shades that don’t come with the hazards that lower grade window coverings do.
Only Use Cord-free Products Around Little Ones
You can also choose cord-free shades or blinds. Premium natural wood and faux wood blinds are available with a cordless system where you use the the bottom of the blind to open and close them. And the majority of custom-tailored window shade types come with cordless possibilities that eliminate the need of cords.
Choose Solid Window Treatments When Your Family Has Inquisitive Toddlers
Plantation shutters are the top child-safe window treatments in Charlotte. They are lasting installations that attach to the framework or wall surrounding your window and isn’t able to be yanked down. Their strong hardwood or faux wood can’t rip and doesn’t scratch or dent easily either. Parents enjoy how easy shutters are to keep clean too. Just go over them with a feather duster or moistened cloth to wash away grime and those small fingerprints!
Since interior shutters are so robust, they can also reduce the chance of children tumbling out of windows. If you crack a window for some breeze, blinds and fabric window treatments won’t keep little ones from scrambling or toppling out the window. Sturdy shutters, on the other hand, will stop a tiny body that runs into them. You are able to close the panels to prevent kids from getting out of the window and tilt open the slats to bring in a bit of fresh air.
Avoid Treatments Constructed With Hazardous Materials
To keep these hazards out of your Charlotte home, use window treatments fabricated with real, unprocessed materials and safe finishes. Premium natural wood Ovation® shutters and Polywood® shutters, for example, both have high-quality finishes that don’t release undesirable fumes.
Consult With Sunburst Shutters Charlotte About Child-safe Window Treatments In Charlotte
Sunburst Shutters Charlotte is concerned about the safety of children in Charlotte. We’re pleased to install various window treatments that play a role in keeping your family free from harm. Schedule a complimentary on-site appointment today, and we’ll help you decide which window treatments are right for your home. Make your appointment today with a call to 980-231-1116 or complete the form on this page.